Call for Applications: Africa Scholarship Programme

Call for Applications: Africa Scholarship Programme

The Africa Scholarship Programme (ASP) offers talented and motivated students from Africa the unique opportunity to pursue a Master’s degree at Wageningen University and to support capacity building in Africa.

Available scholarships: to be determined

Application deadline for MSc programme: 1 February 2024

Start MSc programme: 1 September 2024

Components of the scholarship:

  • Travel to and from The Netherlands
  • Living allowance for the duration of the programme (24 months)
  • Tuition fee coverage for the duration of the programme (24 months)
  • Visa costs and costs for health insurance
  • A budget for one seminar in Europe (travel, stay, registration fee)


1. You are a citizen of an African country.

2. You have applied for one the master’s programmes of Wageningen University & Research before the given deadline. Please see: How can I apply for the master’s programme?

3. You are uncondittionally amitted to this MSc programme.

4. You are an excellent and a proven top 5% student with a First class honours degree and a GPA of 80% or higher in a Bachelor degree.

Only if you meet all of the above mentioned requirements you can be eligible for an invitation to the The Africa Scholarship Programme selection procedure.

Selection procedure

The selection procedure for this scholarship is based on invitation. It’s not possible to apply directly.

Step 1: Apply for an MSc programme before February 1st, 2024
Step 2: Steps of the selection procedure
Step 3: Result of the selection process
Step 4: Updates/changes

Important dates at a glance:

  • February 1 2024: Deadline to apply for an MSc programme
  • March 21, 2024: Invitation of selected candidates to take part in the further selection process (approx. 40 candidates will be selected)
  • April 4, 2024: Deadline of the assignment
  • April 17, 2024: Decision about invitation online interviews communicated (approx. 20 candidates will be interviewed)
  • April 23 – May 3, 2024: MS Teams interviews
  • May 13, 2024: Results of the selection process communicated


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