African Union CIEFFA Online Capacity Building Training 2023 |Fully-funded

African Union CIEFFA Online Capacity Building Training 2023 |Fully-funded

African Union CIEFFA Online Capacity Building Training 2023 |Fully-funded

The African Union CIEFFA Online Capacity Building Training 2023 is now accepting applications. This fully funded training program is a joint initiative of the African Union CIEFFA and ImpactHer that aims to provide gender-responsive and cutting-edge curricula that can improve African people’s skills and capacities in STEAM, digital literacy, financial literacy, and entrepreneurship, as well as build teachers’ capacity to teach these subjects effectively.

The theme of the program is “#AfricaEducatesHer – Digital Skills for All: Bridging the Gender Gap in STEAM, Financial Literacy, and Entrepreneurship.” The pilot phase of the Online Youth Capacity Building Training Program (OYCBT) concluded in June 2023, with the second phase beginning in August and lasting until December. It is open to all who wish to upskill their capacities in Digital skills, Entrepreneurial skills, and financial literacy.

Training Format

It is a one-month intensive training programme featuring:

  • Digital literacy – 2 weeks
  • Entrepreneurship – 1 week
  • Financial literacy – 1 week

You can choose one or two of these courses to undergo. However, interested participants are strongly advised to apply for all three courses.


  • Gain knowledge in Digital Skills, Entrepreneurial Skills and Financial Literacy.
  • Get a Certificate in each program: Digital Skills, Entrepreneurial Skills and Financial Literacy (participants need to attend at least 60% of the training courses per program to be eligible for certificates).
  • Be part of African Union CIEFFA network and ImpactHER network.
  • Increase your chances to be invited for fully-funded in-person activities by the African Union CIEFFA.
  • Fully-funded online training sponsored by ImpactHER


  • Applicant should be an African woman or man;
  • Be able to demonstrate the motivation to learn about: digital skills, entrepreneurial skills and financial literacy;
  • Be able to demonstrate leadership abilities, aspirations and a commitment to the promotion of girls and women’s education;
  • Have access to good internet connection and a device (laptop, computer, smartphone or tablet);
  • Have a clear understanding of one of the training’s languages; English, French or Portuguese;
  • Hold an African citizenship residing on the continent or anywhere in the world.


The application deadline is July 23, 2023. The programme will begin in August 2023.

Apply here

For more information, visit #AfricaEducatesHer.


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