Call for Applications: CJID Africa capacity building workshop on Climate Change 

Call for Applications: CJID Africa capacity building workshop on Climate Change 

CJID Africa capacity building workshop on Climate Change 

The Centre for Journalism Innovation and Development, in collaboration with the Public Affairs Section of the United States Embassy in Abuja, cordially invites Nigerian journalists to apply for a three-day capacity-building workshop on Climate Change Reporting.

Successful applicants will be equipped with the knowledge, skills, and resources required to explore and report on developing concerns related to climate change in Nigeria in order to increase public awareness of the issue while also holding the government responsible for its actions and inactions.

Following the program, trained journalists will be awarded microgrants to aid in-depth reporting on the many mitigation and adaptation initiatives conducted by people and communities in the aftermath of flooding and other climate change-related difficulties.

CJID Africa capacity building workshop Eligibility criteria:

  • Applicants must be based in Nigeria.
  • Applicants must write/report for a Nigerian based media platform with national or sub regional coverage.
  • Journalists who report for International media organizations with a presence in Nigeria may also apply.
  • Applicants must have relevant experience of investigative journalism.
  • Particular preference will be given to applicants with a track record of environment/climate change reporting
  • Female Journalists are encouraged to apply.

Please note:

  • The workshop will last for three days.
  • Selection process will be gender neutral.
  • Special consideration will be given to applicants who are PWDs.
  • At the end of the training, beneficiaries will be supported with small

Application Deadline: 14th of October 2023.

Apply here


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