Create and Influence for Social Change (CISC)

Create and Influence for Social Change (CISC)

What the Challenge is about: This challenge invites creators, influencers, change makers, innovators, and activists to join forces and initiate a worldwide movement for positive change. Participants are encouraged to compose a motivational song for Dotakeaction and produce a video or video cover based on the theme song “Back to School” created by GDC Ucha DF. The aim is to inspire and engage people in taking action for a better future.

Benefits of the challenge in bullet points: 

Opportunity to showcase talent and creativity to a global audience

Chance to be part of a global movement for positive impact

Recognition and exposure as a creator, influencer, or change maker

Collaboration and networking opportunities with like-minded individuals

Platform to spread a meaningful message and inspire others

Possibility of making a lasting difference through music and video

Incentive of 50 DO coins for the challenge winner, providing a tangible reward for their efforts.

Eligibility requirements for the DO theme song

1. Create a song, rap, poem or a spoken word for DO

2. Follow us on all our social media platforms 

3. Posted created contents on social media and use the hashtag below




The video with the highest likes, and comments or reposts will take home the grand incentive from DO


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