Call for Applications: FGN-ALAT Digital Skillnovation Program for young Nigerians

The FGN-ALAT Digital Skillnovation Program for young Nigerians

FGN-ALAT Digital Skillnovation Program for young Nigerians

In today’s fast-changing world, our youth’s potential remains one of our most valuable assets, and cultivating this potential is central to the FGN-ALAT Digital Skillnovation Program. This comprehensive initiative, the result of a strategic partnership between Wema Bank and the Federal Government of Nigeria’s Office of the Vice President, aims to provide our young minds with a diverse set of skills and opportunities tailored to their individual aspirations and market realities.

Beyond just skill acquisition, the program is expected to have a nationwide macroeconomic impact. We are investing in the larger story of national progress by empowering our kids; we are stimulating job creation, boosting innovation, and paving the way for a more affluent future. We make a strategic investment in the nation’s future with each participant we teach, coach, or incubate, ensuring that Nigeria remains at the vanguard of the global digital economy.

At its core, the FGN-ALAT Digital Skillnovation Program is more than just a training initiative – it’s a comprehensive ecosystem designed to foster innovation, growth, and success, shaping the next generation of Nigerian entrepreneurs and professionals.

FGN-ALAT Digital Skillnovation Program Benefits


Guiding growth through shared knowledge and experience.

Business Incubation

Fostering startups for success


Grow and develop your skills with the best mentorship

Access to Market

Connecting products, expanding reach


Funding for innovative ideas.

How to Apply FGN-ALAT Digital Skillnovation Program

If you are interested in the FGN-ALAT Digital Skillnovation Program and you want to apply, please carefully follow the instructions below:

  • Visit the official application portal on
  • Choose the skill profile that matches your aspiration.
  • The profiles include: Working class professional Jobseeker Business owner Aspiring Business owner.

Apply here

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage of the FGN-ALAT Digital Skillnovation Program



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