Apply for the One World Media Global Short Doc Forum 2023


Apply for the One World Media Global Short Doc Forum 2023

The One World Media Global Short Docs Forum 2023 is now accepting applications. The Global Short Docs Forum is a much-needed and devoted project aimed at developing fresh talent in documentary shorts and providing them with access to an increasing number of digital media channels.

The GSDF is accepting applications from all around the world for documentary projects of up to 30 minutes in length, either in production or post-production, using existing footage. Sixteen filmmakers will be chosen to participate in a series of online workshops, mentoring, and one-on-one pitches.

In the past, GSDF has hosted some of the most established international media outlets, including: Arte France, BBC Arabic, CBC, Al Jazeera, BBC Africa, The Guardian, Coda Story and Our World.

One World Media Global Short Doc Forum 2023 Format

Selected filmmakers will work in a supportive environment with other international filmmakers to debate, develop, and revise their pitches, which will lead to one-on-one discussions with representatives from digital platforms.

The online Forum consists of two 2-hour sessions per week for four weeks, with individual mentorship appointments scheduled throughout the week. Filmmakers are expected to complete a short pre-recorded pitch video, including a trailer for their idea, by the end of the Forum. These are distributed to platform reps prior to the one-on-one pitching sessions.

One World Media Global Short Doc Forum 2023 Benefits

  • OWM does not provide a grant or funding as part of the Forum. They do however provide training, mentoring, and workshops to improve your project proposal and pitching skills, ahead of the one-to-one meetings with representatives from online platforms. If a platform is interested in working with you on your film, you are likely to receive a fee in line with your commission, acquisition or distribution deal.

One World Media Global Short Doc Forum 2023 Eligibility

  • Proposals are invited from anyone, anywhere in the world.
  • The focus is on films that have a social, political or cultural narrative, take a solutions journalism approach or gives a new perspective on the changes we want to see in the world.
  • They prioritize filmmakers from areas with low production capacity or little global visibility, as well as underrepresented filmmakers in geographical areas of established media production.
  • They are especially looking for stories from Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Latin America, the Middle East, Russia or the Post-Soviet States.

Deadline: December 13, 2022

Apply here

For more information, visit Global Short Docs Forum.


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