Entrepreneurs’ Organization Global Student Entrepreneur Awards (EO GSEA) 2023-2024 (up to $100,000)

Entrepreneurs’ Organization Global Student Entrepreneur Awards (EO GSEA) 2023-2024 (up to $100,000)

All student entrepreneurs, take note! With the eagerly awaited start of the GSEA 2023–2024 competition season, it’s time to unleash your business energy and quicken your success. Send in your application for the GSEA competition season right now to get started on an exciting journey that could completely alter the course of your entrepreneurial career.

The Global Student Entrepreneur Awards (GSEA) is the premier global competition for students who own and operate a business while attending college or university. Nominees compete against their peers from around the world in a series of local and national competitions in the hope of qualifying for the Global Finals.

Entrepreneurs’ Organization Global Student Entrepreneur Awards Prizes

Prizes are generally a combination of cash and business services and will vary by location.

  • At the Global Finals, students compete for a total prize package of US$100,000 in cash and first place receives US$50,000. Second place will receive US$20,000 and third place will receive US$10,000.

Entrepreneurs’ Organization Global Student Entrepreneur Awards Eligibility

  • You must be enrolled for the current academic year in a university/college as an undergraduate or graduate* student at the time of application. Full-time enrollment is not required; part-time enrollment is acceptable.
  • You must be the owner, founder or controlling shareholder of your student business. Each company can be represented by only one owner/co-founder – studentpreneur.
  • Your student business must have been in operation for at least six consecutive months prior to the application.
  • Your business must have generated US $500 or received US $1,000 in investments at the time of application.
  • You should not have been one of the final round competitors from any previous year’s GSEA Global Finals Competition.
  • The age cap for participation is 30 years of age.

*Graduate students are eligible to apply only if they have continually enrolled in a university following their undergraduate degree and not left school to work on their business or to seek other employment. Exceptions can be made for students who have taken up to one academic year off before beginning their postgraduate education.

Entrepreneurs’ Organization Global Student Entrepreneur Awards Judging Criteria

The criteria for the student entrepreneur competition are split into two parts and focuses primarily on your journey as an entrepreneur.

Part 1: Evaluation of the Student Entrepreneur

  • The student entrepreneur demonstrates the tenacious spirit needed to succeed as an entrepreneur. They have encountered challenges, overcome them, and learned from their mistakes.
  • The student entrepreneur is effectively integrating the two roles of life – as a student AND a business owner.
  • The student demonstrates a desire to build a better tomorrow. They aim to improve a process or solve a problem with motivations not solely based on driving profits.
  • EO Core Value #1 – Trust and Respect – The student has demonstrated an appropriate degree of trust and respect in his/her interactions with the judges. They are true to self, demonstrating vulnerability and openness, and are trustworthy.
  • EO Core Value #2 – Thirst for Learning – The student is seeking out expert advice and wisdom, and proactively growing his/her own knowledge. They are naturally curious.
  • EO Core Value #3 – Think Big, Be Bold – The student is taking smart risks and evolving to meet changing circumstances. They aim to make positive change.
  • EO Core Value #4 – Together We Grow – The student is open-minded, adds value to the entrepreneurial community and is committed to helping others grow. They value diversity and inclusivity in life and business.

Part 2: Evaluate the Student Business

  • Has the student demonstrated a knowledge of strong business fundamentals? Have they provided information relating to the growth, revenue and profit of the business?
  • Has the student effectively communicated the business and its vision?
  • Does the student business show strong potential for future growth?

Deadlines vary by location. When you select your competition on the application, you will see the local deadline.

Apply here

For more information, visit GSEA.


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