Young Africans can now apply for scholarships to study the digital and technology sectors as part of a collaboration between SAP and UNICEF’s Generation Unlimited.
worldwide technology corporation SAP, has more than 100,000 staff members. The goal of the successful applicants’ totally remote learning program, which will span between 6 and 12 months, is to join SAP and Partners as young professionals.
SAP/UNICEF Generation Unlimited Educate to Employ Tec Requirements
- Women, youth with disabilities, youth from low-income families and those without complete tertiary education are highly encouraged to apply.
- Opportunity is limited to youth from or living in South Africa, Kenya and Nigeria.
Each SAP Specialisation consists of 2-3 courses of approximately 20-40 hours each. This means that completing a specialisation will take you approximately 100 hours.
There are three SAP Specialisations, namely:
- Developer Associate: This is for someone interested and preferably with experience in development focusing on coding, testing, quality assurance of software features in a development team under the mentoring or coaching of an experienced person.
- Technology Consultant Associate: This is for someone interested and preferably with experience in the implementation and operation of technical systems, the support of planning and execution of solution deployments and the setup and connectivity of integrated systems.
- End User Support Associate: This is for someone interested and preferably with experience in supporting incoming applications, website and system navigation and troubleshooting and using documents and tools to support customers.
The purpose of the SAP Specialisation is to add to your existing skills to make you more hireable, especially within the SAP ecosystem.
Application Deadline: Ongoing.
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