Call for Nominations: World Food Prize 2024

World Food Prize 2024

Call for Nominations: World Food Prize 2024

The World Food Prize 2024 is now accepting nominations. The World Food Prize is given for a particular, extraordinarily noteworthy individual accomplishment that contributes to human development by demonstrating an improvement in the quantity, quality, availability, or accessibility of food through innovative interventions at any point throughout the entire food system.

Achievements can be found in a variety of areas, such as soil and land science, plant and animal science, food science and technology, nutrition, rural development, marketing, food processing, packaging, and storage, water and environment, natural resource conservation, physical infrastructure, transportation, and distribution, special or extraordinary feeding programs, social organization and poverty elimination, economics and finance, policy analysis and implementation, and public policy.

World Food Prize Eligibility

  • Nominations are sought of an individual or individuals having demonstrated exceptional achievement in any field involved in enhancing food production and distribution and increasing food availability and accessibility to those most in need.
  • Any academic or research institution, private or public organization, corporate entity, or governmental unit may submit a nomination.
  • A nominee must be living and in sufficiently good health to attend the World Food Prize Award Ceremony. The nominee must be able to give an acceptance speech and agree to participate in selected media events and the World Food Prize Global Youth Institute at the time of the Award Ceremony.

Nomination for the World Food Prize

The following list details the information that will be required.

  • Nominator Information: Name(s) of the person(s) submitting the nomination, the name of the nominating organization, mailing address, e-mail address, and telephone number. The nomination must be endorsed by a senior official of
    the nominating organization, certifying the accuracy of the information.
  • Nominee Information: Nominee’s name, current position, mailing address, e-mail address, telephone number, date and country of birth, and citizenship.
    Biographical Information: A resume or CV detailing the nominee’s positions held, education, professional affiliations, honors and awards.
  • Photograph: Photo of the nominee.
  • Synopsis: In 150 words or less, why the nominee should be awarded the World Food Prize.
  • Statement of Achievement: In no more than two pages, describe the nominee’s specific achievement. The nominee should be nominated for one specific, measurable and sustainable achievement which has significantly increased the quality, quantity, availability of, or access to food.
  • Statement of Impact: In no more than two pages, describe the impact of the nominee’s achievement in terms of enhanced health, nutrition and quality of life, or reduced levels of poverty, hunger and malnutrition. The Statement should clearly summarize:
    • the number of people affected;
    • the geographical boundaries of the impact; and
    • the effect over time on the well-being of the people affected.
      The most compelling nominations will demonstrate quantitatively the change or changes that occurred as a direct result of the nominee’s achievement.
  • Seconding Nominations: A signed and dated letter seconding the nomination must be provided from at least two individuals who are familiar with the nominee’s work, but who are not directly associated with the nominating organization. Letters seconding the nomination should ideally provide additional information regarding the nominee’s achievement as well as its impact on the people affected.
  • Supporting Documents: Documents should be provided that support the nomination. These may include: news or journal articles describing the nominee’s achievements and the impact of his or her work; and publications by or about the nominee that directly relate to the achievement. Send only digital copies of each document.

Deadline: May 1, 2023

Apply here

For more information, visit World Food Prize.


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