Call for Application: Youth Dialogue on Internet Governance (YOUthDIG) 2023 |Funding available

Call for Application: Youth Dialogue on Internet Governance (YOUthDIG) 2023 |Funding available

Call for Application: Youth Dialogue on Internet Governance (YOUthDIG) 2023 |Funding available

The Youth Dialogue on Internet Governance (YOUthDIG) 2023 application period is currently open. A yearly pre-event to the European Dialogue on Internet Governance (EuroDIG), the YOUthDIG aims to encourage young people’s active engagement.

For a pre-event program that will prepare young people who are interested in themes related to the Internet to become active participants in EuroDIG, organizers are looking for 30 young people from around Europe (member states at the Council of Europe).

During YOUthDIG, you may network with young people from across Europe while learning about internet governance, discussing it with knowledgeable internet policy practitioners, and exchanging ideas with them. You will be actively involved by developing policy messages (see Reporting) that you will be presenting at EuroDIG but also the global IGF.

The YOUthDIG event will be composed of an online phase with virtual meetings and the physical event. The YOUthDIG in person meeting will be held from June 16 – 19, followed by EuroDIG on June 19 – 21, both in Tampere, Finland.

Youth Dialogue on Internet Governance Cost

  • If your application is successful, you are offered a travel grant to attend YOUthDIG and EuroDIG 2023 in Tampere, Finland. You will be expected to arrive one day before the start of YOUthDIG, and you must attend the pre-event webinars, YOUthDIG and EuroDIG in full to receive your reimbursement.
  • You will pay your travel in advance and they will reimburse you on successful completion after the event.
  • They reimburse travel from Airport A to Airport B and will provide accommodation. You are responsible for any costs related to COVID-requirements, insurance, visa, local transportation, and daily needs.

Eligibility of Youth Dialogue on Internet Governance

  • Open to anybody between the ages 18-30 by June 16, 2023.
  • Must reside in the Pan-European region.
  • They are looking for newcomers in Internet Governance, those who do not have any prior experience and want to learn something new or those who work on a specific subject area (e.g. AI, cybersecurity, law, art, communications, biology, medicine, or other) and want to broaden their understanding on how digitalisation or internet policies would impact their fields.

Youth Dialogue on Internet Governance Application

Do not use auto-fill as your input may be classified as spam resulting in not transmitting the form. You should receive a response after sending the form by being forwarded to a success page and via email.

Application period will end at February 10, 2023 at 23:59 CET.

Apply here

For more information, see FAQ and visit YouthDIG.


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