Call for application: United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD) #CrisesofInequality Media Contest 2022


Call for application: United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD) #CrisesofInequality Media Contest 2022

Crises of Inequality: Shifting Power for a New Eco-Social Contract, the Institute’s 2022 Flagship Report, was released on October 21, 2022. To highlight its core topics, the UNRISD is holding the #CrisesofInequality Media Contest for the best journalistic materials.

This competition aims to raise awareness of the need for a new eco-social compact based on ideals of justice, equality, and sustainability by appealing to journalists.

United Nations Research Institute for Social Development Eligibility 

  1. If you are a journalist working at the intersection of social and environmental justice and want to explore the role of elites and policy makers in driving or mitigating inequalities, the impacts of inequalities and crises on people’s lives, and individual and collective strategies to reclaim rights, submit your entry to participate in UNRISD’s #CrisesOfInequality Media Contest.
  2. The contest is open to all press, radio and TV journalists and media actors working in any language.

United Nations Research Institute for Social Development Prizes

The top three entries will be selected and awarded a prize as follows:

  • 1st prize: USD 1,000
  • 2nd prize: USD 750
  • 3rd prize: USD 500

A special prize of USD 500 will be awarded to the best publication from a young (under the age of 30) reporter outside of the top three.

United Nations Research Institute for Social Development Application

Eligible entries must:

  • Pick a theme from the UNRISD’s 2022 Flagship Report and make a clear reference to it when writing your story. The full report as well as an overview of the publication are available here. Unofficial translations of the overview document can be made available in French and Spanish upon request to [email protected]
  • Your entry must be preferably no longer than 1,500 words for print, 15 minutes for audio and 5 minutes for video
  • They accept entries in any language; however, you must include a written translation for all submissions not originally produced and published in English (submissions will not be judged on the quality of the translation).
  • Publish your story in a media outlet (not self-published) between 21 October and 4 December 2022. You can also share it on social media using the hashtag #crisesofinequality.
  • Submit your entry by 23:59, 4 December 2022 through this submission form.

Any additional materials and attachments should be sent to [email protected], specifying your first and last name with the subject: UNRISD Media Contest Submission, by 23:59, 4 December 2022.

Apply here


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