Enterprise NGR Helping Nigerians get Paid Internships at Top Companies |Apply Now

Enterprise NGR Helping Nigerians get Paid Internships at Top Companies |Apply Now

Enterprise NGR Helping Nigerians get Paid Internships at Top Companies |Apply Now

At EnterpriseNGR, we opted to address the issue of unemployment rather than simply highlighting it. This is why we established the Youth of Enterprise (YOE) Internship Program.

The Youth of Enterprise (YOE) Internship Programme is one of EnterpriseNGR’s urgent development efforts aimed at addressing national young unemployment and under-employment patterns while also building capacity in the private sector.

Nigeria’s population is estimated to be at 220 million people, with youth constituting 50% of the population. Regrettably, over 42% of Nigerian young are still unemployed, with an even higher proportion underemployed (Source: Nigerian Bureau of Statistics).


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