APPLY NOW: Creative New Zealand Michael King Writer’s Fellowship 2023 |up to $100,000

Creative New Zealand Michael King Writer’s Fellowship

APPLY NOW: Creative New Zealand Michael King Writer’s Fellowship 2023 |up to $100,000

The Creative New Zealand Michael King Writer’s Fellowship 2023 is currently accepting applications. An experienced New Zealand author of literature with a considerable record of publications is given the Fellowship every two years to work on a significant project.

The Fellowship gives the fellow the time and resources to dedicate to a period of in-depth research, experimentation, or practice-based study as well as to a significant writing effort. The project is to be finished by March 31 of 2023 to 2025. Only expenses incurred during this time frame may be claimed. They don’t pay for past or continuing expenses.

Creative New Zealand Michael King Writer’s Fellowship Funding

The Fellowship provides $100,000 over two years to fund a writing project.

Funding can be used for project costs including:

  • fees, stipends or wages
  • travel and administration costs

Eligibility for the Creative New Zealand Michael King Writer’s Fellowship

  • You can apply if you are:
    • an individual who is a New Zealand citizen or permanent resident, and
    • an established writer of literature who has a strong national reputation for your writing and a significant publication record.
  • A ‘strong reputation’ means you will have either:
    • received critical acclaim for your work, for instance, having had significant works of literature published, or
    • received a significant literary award or fellowship or been short-listed for literary awards.
  • You cannot apply if:
    • you have received the fellowship before.
    • you are in breach of the conditions of a current funding agreement.

Creative New Zealand Michael King Writer’s Fellowship Assessment Criteria

Your application is assessed by external peer assessors using the following criteria.

  • Idea: Is it a strong idea? They look for the following indicators:
    • The artistic aims are clearly expressed
    • The idea is compelling
    • The artistic outcome is likely to be high quality.
  • Viability: Can it be achieved? They look for the following indicators:
    • The process to achieve the idea is realistic and well planned
    • The budget is thorough and accurate and considers fair remuneration for artists and practitioners
    • The artist has sufficient experience to deliver a major project across the time period
  • Strategic fit: Does it deliver to Creative New Zealand outcomes and the purposes of the fund? They look for the following indicators:
    • The project delivers to the Strategic Outcome – High-quality New Zealand art is developed
    • The writer’s publication record and national reputation is significant

Creative New Zealand Michael King Writer’s Fellowship Application

Submit your application by 1:00 pm, Friday 17 February 2023 (or sooner if possible).

Apply here

For more information, visit Michael King Writer’s Fellowship.


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