APPLY NOW: Project I2M (innovation to market) Programme for Innovators and Researchers across Nigeria |2 Million Naira in funding

APPLY NOW: Project I2M (innovation to market) Programme for Innovators and Researchers across Nigeria |2 Million Naira in funding

APPLY NOW: Project I2M (innovation to market) Programme for Innovators and Researchers across Nigeria |2 Million Naira in funding

Project I2M (Innovation to Market): Establishing an Integrated Support System for Nigeria’s Sustainable Innovation Ecosystem. Its goal is to capture ideas in Nigeria by collaborating with researchers and innovators through an innovation consortium. Project I2M encourages research-based innovations as well as non-procedural activities that result in innovations.

This project aims to deploy resources so that ideas at any stage can be nurtured until they are market-ready. When the idea is ready, the innovator collaborates with a dedicated project team to create pathways for commercialization.

This project will also establish a self-sustaining incubator program for inventors who wish to bring their innovations to market through a startup, exposing them to training on how to build bankable enterprises that can attract large investments.

Particular consideration will be given to innovations developed by Nigerian youngsters, women, and people with disabilities (PWD). Project I2M will provide training, Intellectual Property (IP) filing, minimum viable product development, business registration, seed capital for spinoffs/start-ups, and a variety of additional services to innovators.

Do you have a terrific innovation that you think can disrupt the current normal, solve current societal problems, market processes efficient? Then come on board to the innovation-to-market Programme.

The Innovation to Market Programme offers You Access to:

  • Training to make your innovation market ready.
  • Funding for prototyping of up to 2 Million Naira.
  • Intellectual property (IP) protection filing for the innovation
  • Innovation Product managers to guide through the entire process
  • Startup Incubator & Startup funding
  • Co-working Space within the University of Lagos
  • Full support in linking your innovation to industry

The project is fully funded by the UK’s Research and Innovation Systems for Africa (RISAand implemented by the Innovation and Technology Management Office (ITMO) of the University of Lagos.

Apply Now for the Project I2M (innovation to market) Programme

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage of the Project I2M (innovation to market) Programme


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