Call for Applications: African Plant Nutrition Scholar Award 2023 (up to $2,000)

Call for Applications: African Plant Nutrition Scholar Award 2023 (up to $2,000)

Call for Applications: African Plant Nutrition Scholar Award 2023 (up to $2,000)

African Plant Nutrition Scholar Award Program: Grants of USD $2,000 each are given to 10 meritorious African graduate students studying plant nutrition and crop nutrition management. The award will be given to the student personally. The grantee will have no specified responsibilities.

The Prize will be given regardless of the student’s current assistantship, scholarship, or other reward.

African Plant Nutrition Scholar Award Eligibility

Graduate students are eligible if they are:

  1. Currently attending a degree-granting institution located in Africa.
  2. Candidates for M.Sc., M.Phil., or Ph.D. degrees, who are currently enrolled in a program of graduate study as of the application deadline. To be eligible, M.Sc. and M.Phil students must be in the second year of their studies. Applicants who have already completed their degrees are ineligible.
  3. Students in the disciplines of soil science, agronomy, and horticultural science or tree crop science with a focus on plant nutrition are encouraged to apply.
  4. Past winners of the Award are not eligible.

African Plant Nutrition Scholar Award Requirements

In order to complete the application process, you will need to submit the following in either English or French:

  1. Electronic copy of transcripts of all university work, including cumulative and final grade records (GPA or percentile).
  2. Electronic copy of two letters of support, one of which should be from the major professor. Letters must be signed and written on official letterhead and must include the phone number and e-mail address of the letter writer.
  3. A description of the focus of your thesis or dissertation research presented in a manner that will permit evaluation of its originality, depth, and scope, innovative approaches, and relevance.
  4. A brief description of any additional information that may be relevant to the award (such as honours or awards you have received, employment history, career goals, and other activities you pursue).

Deadline:  30 April, 2023.

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage of the 2023 African Plant Nutrition Scholar Award Program


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