APF Queen-Nellie Evans Scholarship 2023 | up to $4,000

APF Queen-Nellie Evans Scholarship 2023 | up to $4,000

APF Queen-Nellie Evans Scholarship 2023 | up to $4,000

The APF Queen-Nellie Evans Scholarship 2023 is now accepting applications. The APF Queen-Nellie Evans scholarship provides funding to a graduate student from an underrepresented group who has demonstrated financial need and is committed to reducing disparities in societal structures and issues that negatively impact communities of color, particularly communities of African descent.

  • root causes
  • interventions
  • direct or indirect effects to individual mental and physical health and well-being
  • broader negative social or psychological effects on the impacted population

In memory of his grandmother and mother, Arthur Evans, Jr., PhD, founded the Queen and Nellie Evans Fund. Evans is the current CEO and executive vice president of the American Psychological Association. He is a clinical and community psychologist as well as a healthcare developer.

APF Queen-Nellie Evans Scholarship 2023

  • One $4,000 scholarship offered annually to a graduate student from underrepresented groups who has a demonstrated financial need and is committed to improving the disparities in societal structures and issues that negatively impact communities of color, particularly communities of African descent.

APF Queen-Nellie Evans Scholarship 2023 Eligibility

  • Applicants must be minority graduate students enrolled in accredited master’s or doctoral programmes.

APF Queen-Nellie Evans Scholarship 2023 Application

Application must include the following:

  • personal statement
  • CV
  • academic transcript
  • letter of recommendation
  • financial need verification documents (FAFSA, EFC, etc.)

Deadline: January 31, 2023

Apply here

For more information, visit APF Queen-Nellie Evans Scholarship.



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