APPLY NOW: African Union Commission (AUC)-EU Skills Initiative for Africa funding Window III

African Union Commission (AUC)-EU Skills Initiative for Africa funding Window III

APPLY NOW: African Union Commission (AUC)-EU Skills Initiative for Africa funding Window III

The Skills Initiative for Africa (SIFA) Financing Cooperation (FC) is a pan-African initiative established in 2016 by the African Union Commission (AUC) and co-funded by the German Government and the European Union (EU), with support from national governments in eight SIFA partner countries: Cameroon, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, Togo, and Tunisia. SIFA’s overarching goal is to improve the occupational opportunities of African youth. During its pilot period (2016-2025), the Programme sponsors skill development projects that are projected to contribute to the development of employment-oriented skills for young people in African nations.

SIFA is an African Union Commission (AUC) program backed by the German government to improve the employment chances of African youth. SIFA funds skill development programmes in a number of African countries. Projects should help young people build skills that will help them find work.

African Union Commission (AUC)-EU Skills Initiative for Africa Requirements

  1. Responsiveness to COVID-19
  2. Demonstrated Jobs
  3. Demonstrating Value for Money
  4. Proposals shall refer to the conceptualisation, development and commercialisation of
    products, services, or processes solving an identified problem/skills gap in the labour
  5. Demonstrated Viability and Sustainable Future Financing

African Union Commission (AUC)-EU Skills Initiative for Africa Thematic Areas

  1. Digital Tools and Skills
  2. Female Entrepreneurship and Employability
  3. Training Innovation in Informal Sectors

African Union Commission (AUC)-EU Skills Initiative for Africa Eligible Applicants

Professional TVET entities from the public and private sectors, academia, civil society, and organisations supporting entrepreneurship in the labour market

Grant details:

  • Selected projects can receive a grant between EUR 0.2 to 3 million for sustainable and innovative initiatives.

FW3 funding is targeted for the implementation of the proposed innovation, and hence it will not support the following:
• projects that exclusively focus on research
• projects that exclusively focus on market surveys
• projects that exclusively focus on policy development
• projects that exclusively focus on capacity building or training
• projects that exclusively focus on building infrastructure

Application Deadline: February 6, 2023

Apply here

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage of the African Union Commission (AUC) Skills Initiative for Africa



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